Other harbor service

Water, electricity, waste.


Fresh water is available at all piers in Akranes, Grundartangi and Reykjavík.


Electric services (380V; 63A and 125A, floating piers 220V; 16A) are available at most piers in Reykjavík and in Grundartangi, around the clock.

Technical information regarding onshore power supply and berthing in Faxagarður can be found here


In Akranes and Grundartangi, the port service takes care of garbage reception. Otherwise, the pilotage watch is the intermediary for providing garbage containers.

Here are instructions on waste sorting.

Schedule for receiving and handling of waste and cargo residues

Waste sorting

Report form for deficiencies in port reception facilities

Waste reception

Tariffs for water and waste management can be found in the Faxaflóahafnir price list.


Safety manual on LNG bunkering

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