Terms of business – Valid from January 1st 2024


These terms apply to transactions with Faxaflóahafnir sf. and are issued to ensure an efficient process for invoices and payments. Please note that missing requested information on an invoice may cause delays in payments and may even result in the invoice being rejected.

Faxaflóahafnir sf. is a paperless company, and all invoice transactions are conducted through electronic data interchange (EDI) (InExchange and others). If the supplier does not use EDI, they should send invoices through the designated portal of Faxaflóahafnir, see:, https://inexchange.is/faxafloahafnir-mottokuvefur/

The following are instructions for suppliers and service providers:

  1. Invoices should be sent via electronic data interchange. If the supplier does not use EDI, they should use the Faxaflóahafnir portal. See the information above.
  2. Invoices should be addressed to the correct legal entity:

a. Faxaflóahafnir sf. Kt. 530269-7529 Tryggvagata 17 101 Reykjavík

  1. Invoices must include the following:

a. Invoice number

b. Contract number, request number (electronic request book Síminn Pay), or project number with the specified work segment number (provided by Faxaflóahafnir, supplier’s project number is not sufficient)

b. Name of the purchaser/project manager (provided by Faxaflóahafnir)

  1. Invoices must be clearly set up, with an itemization of goods and services. They must state quantity, unit price, discounts, and total price. Work reports should be included where applicable.
  2. The supplier’s ID on the invoice must be the same as that on the offer/contract.
  3. Goods and services may only be invoiced after the goods or services have been delivered.
  4. If an invoice does not contain sufficient information to confirm its validity, it will be rejected until satisfactory information is received.
  5. Invoices for transactions each month must be received by the 5th of the following month to confirm validity and payment on time.
  6. General payment terms are current month +20 days. If parties have agreed on a longer payment period, it must be specified on the invoice.
  7. A single payment slip must be created for the month’s total withdrawal in the banks’ collection system.
  8. These terms may change, but such changes will be announced with at least 30 days’ notice on the Faxaflóahafnir sf. website, www.faxafloahafnir.is.
  9. These terms are valid from 01.01.2024.


    For further information and assistance regarding invoices and their management, please contact fjarmal@faxafloahafnir.is

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