
Faxaports is a port management company and landowner. The company focuses on quality related matters and continuous improvement.

Faxaports is a company that is responsible for port services, development of port infrastructure and land. The company emphasizes being a leader and setting an example in health, safety and environmental issues (HSE). The company commits to working on continuous reform in order to raise health, safety and environmental awareness among staff, customers and service providers. In this way, the risk of the operations is minimized. 

Faxaports’ main priorities in health, safety and environmental issues are as follows:

  • To meet all requirements of laws and regulations and enforce the guidance provided by the government and owners in health, safety and environmental issues.
  • To ensure that the working environment is healthy and the workplace culture promotes equality and diversity.
  • To define defense laws on the basis of a risk assessment for the operations.
  • To ensure that staff knows and complies with safety and environmental regulations.
  • To ensure that staff, with the support of management, form and have an active role in the continuous reform.
  • To offer staff regular health checks and counselling.
  • To ensure that incidents are reported and their causes analyzed with the aim of finding opportunities for reform.
  • To ensure safety matters are foremost when designing and operating buildings and areas.
  • To conduct regular and targeted monitoring of the conditions of work areas, buildings, machines and safety equipment.
  • To place emphasis on safety and environmental issues when purchasing goods and services.
  • To apply the same requirements to everyone who undertakes tasks on behalf of Faxaports, including contractors.
  • To encourage businesses who operate in Faxaports’ areas to meet approved health, safety and environmental requirements.
  • To ensure that planning yields economic benefits where life cycle considerations are taken into account.
  • To minimize the environmental impact of construction.
  • To set goals for climate issues, with regards to the reduction of carbon emissions and neutrality, and to take targeted actions to ensure that result.
  • That ensure that conduct in Faxaports’ areas is exemplary.
  • To monitor pollution and take the appropriate measures in order to prevent harmful effects.
  • To reduce, sort, recycle, waste and minimize volumes sent to landfills.
  • To maintain a certified Health and Safety Management System (ISO 45001) and an Environmental Management System (ISO 14001) in accordance with the requirements of the standards.

 Approved at the meeting of the Board of Faxaports
March 19th, 2021.

Magnús Þór Ásmundsson, Port Director

Guiding principle

Faxaflóahafnir (Associated Icelandic Ports) bases all its operations on equal rights and rejects any discrimination based on gender and other unjustified criteria. In accordance with the Act on the Equal Position and Equal Rights of Women and Men No. 96/2000, Faxaflóahafnir undertakes to operate in accordance with this equal rights programme. The Port Director is responsible for ensuring that the policy is complied with and makes sure that it is presented to all employees each year. The Equal Opportunities Programme and equal rights views of Faxaflóahafnir shall be reviewed every three years.

Wage equality

Equal pay and equal rights shall be guaranteed for equivalent positions, and wage decisions are to be made in accordance with the effective equal pay policy and equal pay system of Faxaflóahafnir. The company undertakes to adopt criteria for the determination of wages and other benefits that ensure that positions are rewarded in accordance with their value, irrespective of gender or other unjustified criteria. Legal requirements must at all times be met when determining wages.


Equal pay policy of Faxaflóahafnir

Faxaflóahafnir (Associated Icelandic Ports) is a port management company and landowner which attaches great importance to being a workplace that recognises the true value of its employees. The equal pay policy of Faxaflóahafnir is an integral part of the company’s wage policy and takes account of the ÍST 85:2012 standard on equal wage management systems and the appropriate laws and regulations. The company’s equal rights policy involves meeting all requirements laid down in law and regulations and enforcing the guidance provided by the government and owners. The company undertakes to adopt criteria for the determination of wages and other benefits that ensure that positions are rewarded in accordance with their value, irrespective of gender or other unjustified criteria.


Points of emphasis regarding the right to equal pay are as follows:

  • Pay equal wages and provide equal terms for similar or equally valuable jobs irrespective of gender or other unjustified criteria.
  •  Promote improvements that encourage the systematic employment of equal pay rights.
  • Comply with legal requirements and other requirements that relate to employee wage terms.


ObjectivesActionResponsibilityTime frame
To identify any unjustified wage differences between genders and abolish such difference.

Adoption of the ÍST 85:2012 standard and equal pay certification.


Port Director and Quality ManagerJune 2019, annual review thereafter.
Systematic review of wage differences by analysis.Human Resources Manager and Payroll OfficerEach year in May.
Encourage improvements.

Internal audits and management review of equal pay system. Managers undertake to maintain continuous improvements, monitor measures and respond to unexplained wage differences and other deviations that come to light during the review of the equal pay system.


Port Director and ManagersEach year in May.


Recruitment and career development

Jobs within Faxaflóahafnir shall be equally accessible to all, irrespective of gender or unjustified criteria. Particular efforts shall be made to increase diversity within employee groups that are homogenous as regards gender, age, origin and education where appropriate. In addition, it must be ensured that there are equal opportunities for career development, appointments and access to vocational education.

Points of emphasis regarding the right to equal pay are as follows:

  • Equal rights views are to be regarded as equivalent to other important views when recruiting staff and making appointments.
  • Both men and women shall be encouraged to apply for advertised positions. Ensure that the company is a workplace in which there is equal opportunity and possibility of career advancement irrespective of gender.
  • That the company is a workplace where everyone enjoys the same opportunities for vocational training and education.


ObjectivesActionResponsibilityTime frame
Ensure equal rights on employment.

Advertisements for available positions shall not be gender biased, and care shall be taken to take both genders into account when writing such advertisements.

Women and men are encouraged equally to apply for advertised positions.

Port Director, Human Resources Manager and Payroll OfficerAlways when positions are advertised.
Gender mix in working groups.

Special attention shall be paid to diversity in the group to which to new employees will belong when recruiting.


Gender equality in management positions.

An analysis of the status of genders in management positions shall be carried out.

Special attention shall be paid to gender ratios when recruiting, and both genders should be encouraged to apply.


Port DirectorSeptember 2019 and then every second year.

Equal opportunities for continuing education.


An analysis shall be made of the popularity for career development and continuing education shown by persons in comparable positions. Inform all employees and management during employee interviews and employee meetings about the possibility of access to continuing education.


Port Director,
September 2019 and then every second year.
Equal opportunity for career development.Account shall be taken of equal rights views in the allocation of tasks and when opportunities are provided for increased responsibility or career advancement.Port Director,

Harmonisation of family and working life

Work and tasks shall, as far as possible, be organised so that employees can best harmonise work and private life, in accordance with Article B.4 in the Faxaflóahafnir Human Resources Policy.

Focus areas regarding the harmonisation of the family and working life are as follows:

  • Create conditions for employees to co-ordinate work and family responsibilities.
  • Respond to the different circumstances of each employee to the extent possible.
  • Take full account of employee rights regarding maternity/paternity leave. 


ObjectivesActionResponsibilityTime frame
Flexibility to fulfil family responsibilities.

Employees are provided with measures such as flexible working hours if possible or other solutions as circumstances permit.

Entitlement to sickness leave to care for ill children.

Port Director,
Harmonisation of family and working life

The right to maternity/paternity leave.

Maternity/paternity leave or other birth-related circumstances shall not have a negative impact on decisions on career advancement.

Port Director,
Both fathers and mothers shall be equally encouraged to utilise their right to maternity/paternity leave as well as sickness rights for their children.Port Director,


Bullying, prejudice and gender-based violence

Faxaflóahafnir sf. does not tolerate bullying or violence of any form by employees and has established for itself a policy on bullying.

All employees have the right to be treated with respect. Bullying, prejudice and gender-based or sexual harassment is not tolerated within Faxaflóahafnir. Employees are to be informed, on a regular basis, about the characteristics of sexual harassment and gender-based violence and how to respond to suspicions or knowledge about such behaviour within the company in accordance with action plans. Reference is made to Regulation No. 1009 from November 4th, 2015 on bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and abuse in the workplace.

Points of focus regarding bullying, violence and harassment are as follows:

  • Educate employees about how bullying is defined, what it involves and how it may manifest.
  • Point out the importance of responding appropriately and immediately to any possible bullying cases within the company.
  • Address, according to harmonised procedures on bullying, sexual harassment, gender-based harassment and violence, in a professional and non-biased manner.
  • Ensure equality and show consideration and follow the rules of personal privacy in all actions.


ObjectivesActionResponsibilityTime frame
Take effective measures against gender-based violence, gender-based harassment and sexual harassment.Employees are to be informed and educated about the Administration of Occupational Safety and Health’s instruction pamphlet on bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace.Quality and Marketing DirectorPresented annually at employee meetings in the autumn.
Always respond to cases that arise.

Work according to procedures on bullying, violence and harassment.

Review of cases and examination of effectiveness.


Quality and Marketing DirectorSeptember 2019 and annual review.


Follow-up and maintenance

The Equal Opportunities Programme shall be reviewed every three years in accordance with the provisions of the Equality Act. The policy shall be presented to the employees of Faxaflóahafnir who are also to be given information on the progress made by Faxaflóahafnir as regards equal rights issues.


ObjectivesActionResponsibilityTime frame
Ensure that the equal rights programme is a living document and under continuous development in tune with the achievements of Faxaflóahafnir in equal rights issues.Update the equal rights programme in accordance with progress, experience and measurementsPort Director,
Quality and Marketing Director
January 2022.


Approved by the board of Faxaports.
April 12th, 2019.

Gísli Gíslason, Port Director.







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